Saturday, November 21, 2009

NEW MOON (2009)

Yes, I am a Twilight fan. I'm not a crazy (read each book 17 times and make t-shirts for the movie premiere) kind of fan. But, I read the books and I thought the first movie was just fine.

For the very few of you that don't know, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON is a sequel to the first, extremely popular film, TWILIGHT. They are based on Stephenie Meyer's first two books of the Twilight saga. The books are about a girl named Bella who falls in love with a vampire named Edward who lives an "alternative life-style" as a vampire. In the saga, Bella is faced with struggles from living with her single father to fighting off crazy vampires who want to kill her.

NEW MOON starts with Bella's birthday, when an incident with one of the vampire brothers causes Edward to worry about his future with Bella. He ends up leaving her, which puts her in a state of depression. It doesn't exactly show women's independence and portrays Bella as a girl who couldn't live without her boyfriend.

In Edward's absence, NEW MOON focuses a lot more on a different member of the cast, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). He and Bella become very close friends, while Jacob wishes it was more than just friends.

The special effects in the movie were clearly much better than the first. They definitely had a lot more money to spend, and it showed. The effects with the wolves were surprisingly realistic. Click here to watch a "Behind-the-scenes Wolf Pack clip." However, the acting was terrible, and the movie was drawn out and for the most part, boring. Most of the time the dialogue was akward and unnecessary.

The next movie of the Twilight Saga, Eclipse, will be coming out on June 30. Hopefully it's better than the second!

My Grade: C-

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